Friday, October 12, 2012

Concert on St. George Cathedral

16 November 2012
7.30 p.m 
Price: £30 (Premium), £17.50 (GA Seating), £10 (GA Seating for OAPs and Students in full time education)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

New Upcoming Albums

Song of Life - a Collection
Libera is going to have a new album! It's called song of life - a collection. Basically this album prupose is to release song of life wide around the globe because as you know, song of life album is only released in Japan before. So, purchase it on Amazon or your local CD store. It includes many famous tracks of libera, like Scantus and many more.  

1. Salva Me
2. Be Still My Soul
3. Tallis’s Canon
4. Sanctus (based on Canon by Pachelbel)
5. Song of Life (Muramatsu)
6. Ave Verum
7. You Were There (main theme from ‘Nobody to watch over me’ by Muramatsu)
8. A Gaelic Blessing (Deep Peace) (Rutter)
9. Voca Me
10. Adoro Te
11 Ave Virgo (based on theme from Clarinet Concerto by Mozart)
12. I Am The Day
13. How Shall I Sing That Majesty
14. Abide With Me
15. Gloria (based on Saint-Saens’ Organ Symphony)
16. Panis Angelicus
17. I Vow To Thee, My Country 

Don't forget to purchase it on libera's shop
UK £13.99
US $15.47
Canada $14.99
Germany €17.99

Ave Maria
EMI Japan has done it, a magic again. This CD will consists of 2 discs. But now, they only published the songs that consists in disc1. It will turn out to something great. But it's still a mystery between a CD and a DVD. 

1. Song of Life
2. You Were There
3. Salva Me
4. Deep Peace
5. Voca me 
6. Adoro Te 
7. Ave Virgo
8. I Am The Day
9. How Shall I Sing That Majesty
10. Abide With Me
11. I Vow To Thee
12. Waltz of the Snowflakes (Chorus) - from "The Nutcracker"
13. La Califfa (Chorus) - by Ennio Morricone *** listen HERE.

If you are not familiar with track 13 you could hear it on iTunes Japan. Actually La Califfa  has been released since 5 months ago. The song is very beautiful, but I'm not sure that it will have a same recording on the album.

Japan ¥2800

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Libera in Concert: Northern Ireland

Libera is going to have a concert again! It's on Northern Ireland, in St. Patrick's Catholic Cathedral, Armagh and on St. Peter's Cathedral, Belfast on the beginning of November. YAY! 

Here are the concert details:

St. Patrick's Catholic Cathedral 
1 November 2012, 7.30 pm 
Price: £10 - £25
Tickets: Ticketweb or call 08444 771 000

St Peter's Cathedral
Time: 2 November 2012, 7.30 pm
Price: £10 - £25
Tickets: Ticketweb or call 08444 771 000

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Ralph!

Happy Birtday Ralph Skan!

We wish you all the best! and keep singing on LIBERA big boy ;) 


Guernsey Concert

YAY \(^_^)/ 
Finally, I could update my blog. After 4 days of lateness, super sorry. Still super busy until the end of the school year. 
Well, back to the topic. From other blogs I read, the concert was very amazing. I wish I could went to the concert and meet the boys, but oh well :'( 

Well, I've got good news! The tickets on Guernsey is sold about 70%. WOW. Maybe it's because of the Guernsey Tourism that put some posters on buses and handing out some flyers to the tourist. Plus, putting them on the Tourism Centre. Thank you for helping Guernsey Tourism :) 

Posters and flyers on the buses, and around the city ;)

Well, I am SUPER PROUD to my boys. They did it really well. Could they do even better? OF COURSE! Here are some photos from Yuki and Yorkie. Thanks guys for the amazing photos you'ved share (: 

They didn't forgot the moose! Moose is such a role model for the boys, he's ready on the stage! :D

And here's a video of the boys after the concert! 

Related Posts: 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jersey Concert

Henry Barrington, Anthony Blake, Tiarnan Branson, Ciaran Bradbury Hickey, Jude Collins, Luke Collins, Kavana Crossley, Jakob Menezes Wood, Thomas Delgado Little, Dylan Duffy, Benjamin Fairman, Daniel Fontannaz, Matthew Jansen, Isaac London, Joshua Madine, Matthew Madine, Eoghan McCarthy, Michael Menezes, Kuba Neidermaier-Reed, Cassius O' Connell-White, Matthew Rangel Alvares, Adrian Sheard, Bertie Smart, Michael Ustynovych-Repa, Sam Wiggin, Lucas Wood.

Musical Director - Robert Prizeman
Keyboards - Robert Prizeman, Steven Geragthy, Joshua Madine, Ian Tilley
Clarinet and Recorder - Steven Geragthy
Percussion - Simon Roth
Lightning - Luke Avery
Concert producer - Ben Crawley
Sound mixing and production - Sam Coates
Stage Management - Jonathan Barrington 
Chaperones - Barbara Geragthy, Elanor Lewis, Sandra Barrington
Management - Steven Philipp, Andrew Winter

List of songs:
-Nano Ben and Cassius speech-
Song of Life - Solo: Isaac
Scantissima - Solo: Eoghan McCarthy 
Scantus - Last Scantus by Matthew Jansen
- Cassius and Michael UR speech-
I Vow to Thee My Country - Solo: Matthew Jansen
Eternal Light - solo: Jude Collins and Thomas Delgado Little
Salva Me
- Jude speech - 
Faithful Heart - Solo: Joshua Madine and Matthew Jansen
Exultate - solo: Thomas Delgado Little

Orinoco Flow
- Michael UR and Cassius speech -
The Fountain - Solo: Matthew Jansen and Thomas Delgado Little 
Dies Irae - solo: Ciaran Bradbury Hickey 
Grateful Heart - solo: Thomas Delgado Little and Michael UR
Stay with Me - solo: Cassius O'Connell White
- Josh speech -
Ave Verum
Far Away - solo: Isaac London
Glory To Thee - solo: Eoghan McCarthy
- Nano Ben speech - 
How Shall I Sing That Majesty - solo: Eoghan McCarthy
Encore: Exultate (short version)

Jersey Concert
Well, sorry for a little bit of late. I'm a little bit of busy watching the London 2012 olympics recently, also actually my task are all over my desk and mind. But I still going to update my blog :D. 
 the Jersey Opera House 

You guys who attending this concert was actually SUPER LUCKY cause, Josh is still wearing his wearing his white robes. Well, this is actually my face when I was seeing the timeline on twitter. 
Josh is STILL singing on libera even though he is 17 years 10 months old. And the other surprising part is HE IS PLAYING THE PIANO!! WOW! I'm amazed with him. 
Here are some photos on the concert:
(credits to Yuki and Dani) 
The Concert Booklet  (credits: Yuki and Patrick) 





My favorite, THE MADINES <3 

I can't wait for the 7th and 8th Guernsey concert, what's going to happen? well, let's wait and see! :) 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy Birthday!

What date is today? It's 21st July here on Indonesia! and 2 more days is Alex's Birthday

But let's just say today is 23rd of July, soooo...
Happy Birthday Alex, be a good little brother to Josh and Sam, and be a good big brother to Matt ;) And KEEP ON MOOSING! :D 

Libera on Japanese TV "Travelling Along River Thames"

I'm sorry for this lateness cause I got back to school already so I'm being quite busy recently,
While the good news is, I've finally got something to write on my blog. Actually I've been waiting for a news of libera since I was still on holiday, but as I got back to school, then a news popped up! :D

Well, let's just start
Libera is appeared on one of Japanese TV program that is Travelling Along River Thames. The video starts with a view of London and the Song of Life song. Then it enters the church that is called All Saints Church in West Dulwich. As it goes on, THE BOYS ARE APPEARED! And THERE IS JOSH!! His directing the boys or something like that :D

and there is JOSH!! 

Well, I think Kavana and Carlos was also helping them. On the video, they were giving the clothes to the boys. Isn't that nice? :D 

And Isaac is actually putting his robe upside down, so the hood is in the front! hahaha :D And there's a bit of JOSH!! :D :D

Well, for me they ARE normal boys. I mean, they also read books that we read, they make funny faces, they been such best buddies just like Isaac and Michael U.R. 

Then they sang Scantus like real angels, just suddenly change from normal boys to extraordinary boys. 


And the shocking part is.....
What??? Matt is using glasses?? WOW, HE DOES! HE USES GLASSES!

And just before the video ends, Kavana was interviewed, but someone is interupting him.. Is Isaac! ohh he is sooo adorable! 

And the only thing that I could say is: ISAAC IS SOO CUTE!!! :D