Well, as you know, I started to know and love libera on 2010, as I say some of the boys stand out and make me feel WOW, the one who got the solo especially. But Josh is my favorite from the beginning (:

Little or Young Josh first appearance is on 2005 on Libera's Korea Tour. Then, he grows and with all his talents, he became one of the finest soloists in libera.
On 2010, he showed up with a new voice on Peace, on age of 15 years and 10 months (almost 16). As I taught that he wouldn't got any solos anymore (how pessimistic I am :D). He got 2 solos, Time and Lullabye. Click on it to watch the videos, and if you notice the lyrics carefully, you'll see some hidden message in that song, especially Lullabye, like "Someday your child may cry, And if you sing this lullabye, Then in your heart, There will always be a part of me" and "Someday we'll all be gone, But lullabyes go on and on, They never die, That's how you, And I will be".

I know it Josh, you'll leaving soon. And I'll never meet you ever. Oh noooo, I'm very pessimistic you know, cause I know that he will leave really soon. Time goes like a rocket flying to the moon. It's like yesterday I saw him as a cute little boy then the next day he has become a handsome young man. He is now 18 (2012), and somehow he leaved libera already. Maybe I got a chance to see him out from libera?? Who knows! :b
On March 2011, he got an award from AFTI BOY 2010. It's like a goodbye present to his fans. Thank you Josh! For sharing your voice trough libera. We LOVE you! Thank you for your remarkable works in Libera ;)
On the Canada Tour 2011, I am a bit worried cause Josh wasn't in the tour! Is now the time ?!? NOOOO JOSH HAS LEAVE LIBERA?!? I was shocked at a moment. But I think God knows everything, he knows that around the globe all of Josh's fans is sad, so he made a miracle! Josh is back! on USA Tour 2011. "Who says I'm leaving?" says Josh on a meet and greet in Houston. At least we know that on his 17 year age he still sing on Libera.
I'm amazed that he still on a tour in his 17 year age. On Philippines and London Christmas Tour 2011. He has pass the limit of age 7 - 16 on libera. He is 17 not 16 and he still join on Libera? WOW COOL :D. Not only concerts, he also perform on TV and radio show , plus on the Christmas Album! And HE GOT A SOLO!!! WOW! His solos are Corventy Carol and Lullabye.
In early 2012, Josh and 4 libera friends (Liam Connery, Alex Leggett, Sam Leggett, and Jonathan Barrington) proved that they don't just have musical talents. They also have talents in acting, and they are freaking funny. They produced a film called "The Loose Moose Show". You could watch them on Youtube and Dailymotion. And seach for Loose Moose Show.
Well, on 2012, I knew that he won't be on libera anymore, he's 18 this year. The prove is on Spring 2012 Tour to Singapore and Japan, he wasn't in that tour. I am NOT shocked, cause he is 18 and he is obviously can't be in libera again. Goodbye Josh! :"(
But maybe this is a surprise to his fans. HE IS IN THE CHANNEL ISLAND SUMMER TOUR 2012! yay! \(^_^)/. Maybe this is the last tour, but I am so happy that in 17 years and 10 months he is still singing on LIBERA <3
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