
Hello, my name is Devina a.k.a liberalove. I'm an Indonesian. And I love LIBERA forever since I saw them on probably 2010. 

Yes, I probably saw libera on 2010 when I was watching a DVD my mom bought it for me (it is actually the 2007 Libera: Angel Voices DVD one). I fell in love when I start watch them. I actually fell asleep cause the music is very peaceful and full of harmony.

When I watched that DVD, maybe some of the boys just stand out and make me amazed. Probably the one who got the solo parts on that DVD, like Josh, Ben, Ed, and Tom. But honestly, I really like Josh starting from the first time. But, I LOVE all the libera members from the first I start listening to their music until now. 

Starting from that time, I become a fan, a HUGE fan. After school and after doing my homework and studied for my tests and stuff, I always will open the internet and search for libera, from youtube, google, facebook, twitter, myspace, websites, blogs, and other things. I was like crazy in libera, I dug out all of the songs of libera, personalities of them, and loads of stuff about libera. 

And starting from that time, I start finding stuffs about libera, especially the CDs. But, I live in Indonesia, libera CDs are SUPER RARE. In Indonesia, most of my friends don't know about libera. But, I know loads of fans of Indonesia are here, not just me (: 

Back to the CD topic, yeah libera CDs on Indonesia are rare, when I found the first libera original CD on late 2010, I was SUPER HAPPY. I didn't found the peace album that was released at that time unfortunately, I found Libera: New Dawn, the 2008 CD. But, It's fine, it's a huge step for me to know more about libera :D

On mid 2012, I started to blogging about libera. My main reason of blogging libera, is to share what I know about the information to the world, and also my friends to know libera. So the world and my friends could also feel the harmony of the angel voices of the boys :) 

What I really want is to meet the boys LIVE. Yeah, poor me, I never watched libera on concert and meet the boys. Maybe I at that time, Singapore was my chance to meet the boys, the Esplanade Theatre, but I was really UNFORTUNATE, I have a government year 6 test at that time. So poor me, I can't go to Singapore and watched the concert. 

What I really hope is, Libera could go to Indonesia on the next tour. I always imagine that I went to the concert and watched the boys, photograph with the boys. Ah, wish I could do that someday :D

Well, if there are comments, critics, or suggestion, please send an email to or Thank you :)) 


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