Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy Birthday!

What date is today? It's 21st July here on Indonesia! and 2 more days is Alex's Birthday

But let's just say today is 23rd of July, soooo...
Happy Birthday Alex, be a good little brother to Josh and Sam, and be a good big brother to Matt ;) And KEEP ON MOOSING! :D 

Libera on Japanese TV "Travelling Along River Thames"

I'm sorry for this lateness cause I got back to school already so I'm being quite busy recently,
While the good news is, I've finally got something to write on my blog. Actually I've been waiting for a news of libera since I was still on holiday, but as I got back to school, then a news popped up! :D

Well, let's just start
Libera is appeared on one of Japanese TV program that is Travelling Along River Thames. The video starts with a view of London and the Song of Life song. Then it enters the church that is called All Saints Church in West Dulwich. As it goes on, THE BOYS ARE APPEARED! And THERE IS JOSH!! His directing the boys or something like that :D

and there is JOSH!! 

Well, I think Kavana and Carlos was also helping them. On the video, they were giving the clothes to the boys. Isn't that nice? :D 

And Isaac is actually putting his robe upside down, so the hood is in the front! hahaha :D And there's a bit of JOSH!! :D :D

Well, for me they ARE normal boys. I mean, they also read books that we read, they make funny faces, they been such best buddies just like Isaac and Michael U.R. 

Then they sang Scantus like real angels, just suddenly change from normal boys to extraordinary boys. 


And the shocking part is.....
What??? Matt is using glasses?? WOW, HE DOES! HE USES GLASSES!

And just before the video ends, Kavana was interviewed, but someone is interupting him.. Is Isaac! ohh he is sooo adorable! 

And the only thing that I could say is: ISAAC IS SOO CUTE!!! :D 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer Tour Details

Libera has announced for their Summer Tour details. Here are the details of the Summer Tour: 

1st and 2nd August 2012 
Time: 19.30
Gloucester Street
St Helier, Jersey JE2 3QR 
Price: £10 - £35
Tickets: Jersey Opera House Box Office or call +44 (0)1534 511115

7th and 8th August 2012
Time: 19.30
College Street, St. Peter Port,
Guernsey, GY1 2NZ 
Price: £10 - £35
Tickets: St James Box Office or call +44 (0)1481 711361