Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Tour!

Finally, the Summer Tour is announced! Libera is performing on Channel Islands. On 1st and 2nd August , they will be performing on Jersey and on 7th and 8th August on Guernsey. Actually, I never heard this place before. But when I seach on google pictures, the place is amazing, just look by your self.

map of Channel Islands

Guernsey and Jersey Island 

Jersey Island's Harbor and Mount Orgueil Castle

Guernsey Island's St. Peter Port 
So, what do you think? Is it nice to spend summer on Channel Islands and watch Libera Concert? So, come and spend a good summer and don't forget to watch Libera's Summer Concert! :D
Concert details coming shortly, just check the website

could someone give some information about the concert there? if you come? please send it to thanks :D

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Libera's Achievements

As a top rated choir, Libera has travel around the world and reach a lot of achievements. They sung to South Korea, USA, The Philippines, Holland, Ireland, Canada and even Singapore! Well, here are some of the achievements of them:
 * Singing on the Papal Mass at the climax of Pope Benedict XVI to USA. Performing to a capacity congregation of 60 000 people on New York's Yankee Stadium. Libera is the ONLY British artist taking part on this historical event. They sung Scantus on the performance. 
Here are the video of the song they sung. 
* Sung 'Orinoco Flow' as a guest artist on BBC's Last Choir Standing program. Here is the video of them:
* Guest of BBC-Special of "Songs of Praise" and be a part of the 50th Anniversary Program on BBC. Here are the videos of the 2 programs. 
Songs of Praise Special: Libera

Libera on the 50th Anniversary Program of Songs of Praise
* On 2008 they sung on Kennedy Honors on Kennedy Centre, Washington DC and CBS television to honoree Brian Wilson -a Beach Boys fame- and in presence of Diana Ross, Martin Scorsese, Steve Martin, and Robert de Niro.  Here is the video of them.
*Concerts on New York Riverside Church and Queen Elizabeth Hall, London.
*Mass at London's Westminister Cathedral and Buckfast Abbey in Devon.
*DVD filming for US PBS Television on Leiden, Holland. Here is "Going Home" one of the song on the video of them.
*Participating on Sunday worship and the "Hour of Power" on Crystal Cathedral in Los Angeles. Here is the video of them.

  Part 1

 Part 2
Well actually, there are MORE achievements libera has achieve but this are the most fine achievements. Good job Libera, keep on singing!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Libera, the sweetest angel in the world!

Well, as you know, this blog is dedicated to the sweetest angels in the world, Libera. They are such a sweet boys with beautiful angelic voices and faces. Oh, wish I could meet them someday, REALY REALY WISH! I guess every one that loves libera wants it too :D. 

Libera, sooo special. Their voices and their faces are super angelic. Plus with the stuffs they use, the white angelic robes, the shoes are white, AND THE HOODS! just like this. Oh, how mysterious and so angelic their are.
I guess that is some reason why that I love libera. LIBERA FOREVER! ;) Hope they come to Indonesia soon so I could meet them to fulfill one of my main wish that I have, hehe :) It must be Indonesia, they have been travel to USA, Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Holland, Ireland, even Singapore, that is super close to Indonesia. So I REALY REALY HOPE that their next destination is to Indonesia.
 Amen o:)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Birthdays!

On this post, let's say Happy Birthday to little Cassius and Matthew R.A! Yeah, maybe I'm too late to say happy birthday to Matthew RA but it's fine right? :D 

Happy Birthday Matthew R.A! 

And another one is a Happy Birthday to Cassius!

We wish you all the best, and keep singing on libera! :) we love you! <3 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Olympic Experience

There's an album that is called The Olympic Experience that is released by Warner Classic on August 2011 for The Olympics 2012 in London. There are 3 libera songs featured on this album: Sacris Solemnis (Luminosa, 2001), Angelis (Libera, 1999), and Jubilate(Libera, 1999). The songs are available on Amazon as MP3 format album. But, on this month, they will release the album as a CD format. If you want to buy it, don't forget to use Libera's link to support them :)

Track list 
Richard STRAUSS (1864-1949)
Also Sprach Zarathustra
 (excerpt) [1:35]
Te Deum
 in D - Prelude [1:21]
Edward ELGAR
 Overture (excerpt) [6:22]
A Night on the Bare Mountain
Nessun Dorma
Sound the Trumpet
George Frideric HANDEL
Water Music
 Bourrée [1:13]
Music for the Royal Fireworks
 La Réjouissance [2:28]
Hallelujah Chorus
Sacris Solemnis
Dance of The Knights
O Fortuna!
Richard WAGNER
Ride of the Valkyries
Maurice RAVEL
 (excerpt) [2:22]
Giuseppe VERDI
Gloria all'Egitto, ad Iside
 and Triumphal March [5:35]
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN
Ode to Joy
 (excerpt) [4:09]

Official Libera Links

Here are the official site of libera guys!

EMI Japan
New Dawn mini-site
Angel Voices: Libera in Concert mini-site
Angel Voices mini-site
Visions mini-site

So, don't visit the wrong official libera site guys! ;)

Libera Members 2012

In this 2012 members the big boys have gone :(, So Josh, JB, "Mini" Ben, Liam, Sam, Alex, and more are not in Libera again. But there are new ones! \(^_^)/ 

Here are the names and the pictures of them:

The Greats of Great Britain

Hello everyone!
Please vote for Libera on The Greats of Great Britain now! Just sign up to the website. Maybe it's too late but there is still some time! Just click here to vote. But, please sign up first. The voting competitipon will be closed on 28th of August 2012 and the winner will be announced on 1st of September 2012. So please vote for Libera. Thanks :)