Thursday, June 7, 2012

Libera's Achievements

As a top rated choir, Libera has travel around the world and reach a lot of achievements. They sung to South Korea, USA, The Philippines, Holland, Ireland, Canada and even Singapore! Well, here are some of the achievements of them:
 * Singing on the Papal Mass at the climax of Pope Benedict XVI to USA. Performing to a capacity congregation of 60 000 people on New York's Yankee Stadium. Libera is the ONLY British artist taking part on this historical event. They sung Scantus on the performance. 
Here are the video of the song they sung. 
* Sung 'Orinoco Flow' as a guest artist on BBC's Last Choir Standing program. Here is the video of them:
* Guest of BBC-Special of "Songs of Praise" and be a part of the 50th Anniversary Program on BBC. Here are the videos of the 2 programs. 
Songs of Praise Special: Libera

Libera on the 50th Anniversary Program of Songs of Praise
* On 2008 they sung on Kennedy Honors on Kennedy Centre, Washington DC and CBS television to honoree Brian Wilson -a Beach Boys fame- and in presence of Diana Ross, Martin Scorsese, Steve Martin, and Robert de Niro.  Here is the video of them.
*Concerts on New York Riverside Church and Queen Elizabeth Hall, London.
*Mass at London's Westminister Cathedral and Buckfast Abbey in Devon.
*DVD filming for US PBS Television on Leiden, Holland. Here is "Going Home" one of the song on the video of them.
*Participating on Sunday worship and the "Hour of Power" on Crystal Cathedral in Los Angeles. Here is the video of them.

  Part 1

 Part 2
Well actually, there are MORE achievements libera has achieve but this are the most fine achievements. Good job Libera, keep on singing!

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