Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Libera, the sweetest angel in the world!

Well, as you know, this blog is dedicated to the sweetest angels in the world, Libera. They are such a sweet boys with beautiful angelic voices and faces. Oh, wish I could meet them someday, REALY REALY WISH! I guess every one that loves libera wants it too :D. 

Libera, sooo special. Their voices and their faces are super angelic. Plus with the stuffs they use, the white angelic robes, the shoes are white, AND THE HOODS! just like this. Oh, how mysterious and so angelic their are.
I guess that is some reason why that I love libera. LIBERA FOREVER! ;) Hope they come to Indonesia soon so I could meet them to fulfill one of my main wish that I have, hehe :) It must be Indonesia, they have been travel to USA, Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Holland, Ireland, even Singapore, that is super close to Indonesia. So I REALY REALY HOPE that their next destination is to Indonesia.
 Amen o:)

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